It was called The Crystal Maze, and now you can have all the torment of the TV game show on your home computer. Case in point, back in 1990 a game was conceived that proved incredibly popular during its 6 season run. But for the most part his is a new phenomenon in America where as in the UK this has been going on for years. Not that it's better here in America with our Fear Factors and emotionally abusive Simon Cowells (although, we imported him from the UK too). They get the most artfully vicious hosts they can find and design tasks that are either near impossible or pit teammates against each other in subtly immoral ways. The Weakest Link, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, Big Brother, and more are all designed to psychologically tear down contestants. I mean no offense to my neighbors across the pond, but I am slowly coming to the conclusion that British game shows are an organized form of public sadism. Every game you win earns you a time crystal worth 5 seconds in your final destination, the Crystal Dome There are four types of game, Physical, Mental, Skill, and Mystery.

There are four zones: Ocean, Aztec, Medieval and Futuristic. You have a team of six which you lead around the maze. A Game based on the successful UK TV Show of the same name.